Dr. Abbie Kwitel
What To Expect
Each Energy Healing Session is as unique as You are, as is each person's experience during the sessions. To provide some perspective, I will share common experiences, as well as what you may expect before, during and after the healing. Please read this page carefully as I provide important instructions for the sessions, as well.

* Once you book your session, your intention to receive healing is invariably released into the quantum field and so begins the movement of energy around that intention, and the Healing itself. You might begin to notice sensations, synchronicities or shifts in emotional, mental, physical and spiritual experiences even before I connect with your energy.
* It is best to avoid a heavy meal or stimulants, such as coffee, within 2 hours of the healings. Please avoid ALL drug use within 24 hours of session. Hydration before session is also helpful.
* Please send your intentions for the healing to me prior to the session, ideally 24 hours before. A statement or two will suffice. If we have never met (or it has been awhile since seeing you), please send to me a full length photo of you alone, where I can clearly see your face; this aids in our connection. Please use the contact form to send your intentions and photo to me.
* Please come to the session open to receive the healing and the experience that follows, knowing that you are protected; Your highest and best interests are being held in my mind and heart. You may also request protection from your Guides at this time, if desired.
* There will be no verbal communication at the time of your appointment. Instead, I will send an email to you approximately 5 minutes before the session, letting you know I will begin shortly.
* At your scheduled appointment time, I ask that you simply lay down, close your eyes and imagine accepting a warm, golden-white light into your body that will go exactly where it is needed most at this time. Energy is not limited by time or space; I am able to work on you miles away just as easily as if you were lying right in front of me, and the effects of the distant sessions are equal (and sometimes greater) in potency.
* Sometimes, people find it difficult to stay still. That is okay; just do your best to stay present and calm. Please be gentle with yourself, allowing any and all feelings that may emerge to be felt entirely. Focus on your natural breath if you wish. If necessary, you may also sit up and with your eyes open, but please choose a quiet place where you will be uninterrupted for the duration of the session.
* Once the session begins, you may experience any number of things: tingling, warmth, cold or shivers, twitches, desire to cry, sudden, mild pain that is generally released quickly, feeling very light or very heavy, gurgling in the stomach, seeing colors emerge from behind closed eyes, a vision or memory, or sudden understanding or clarity about something. These sensations are normal and are generally understood as the body's way of releasing blocked or stuck energy that has been gently prompted to move and clear by the healing. Sometimes, information will flow to you that urges your attention and awareness at this stage in your journey. On average, people experience a calm wash over them and often a feeling of care that may be hard to describe. Don’t be concerned if you do not feel much, the energy is still being transmitted and you are still benefitting! It may take some time to become aware of the subtle sensations that occur during these sessions. As your awareness grows, you will notice these more and more.
* Depending on what and how much was addressed/cleared during the session, each person will experience something different in the hours and days following. It is not uncommon to experience more frequent trips to the bathroom, feel very tired or heavy, or generally unwell as old energies make their way out of your systems. This may last for a day or two post - session. You might also feel light, motivated and even euphoric, or these feelings may arise after the detox phase of the healing. Many experience vivid dreams. In any case, please drink a lot of water following the session as energy flows more easily through a hydrated body.
* Please be gentle with yourself and listen to your body; Rest when needed, eat when hungry and so forth.
* I encourage writing down any impressions or experiences you had, if that feels good to you. That is certainly not a requirement.
* I will send a follow-up email noting any impressions or anything I sensed during the session, as I feel called to do so. Please note: My feedback includes my impressions only, and should not be regarded as facts or medical guidance or directives in any way. Some sessions offer more feedback than others- please note their descriptions.
* If you book the Signature Healing and Reading or Divine Blueprint Activation, you will receive an Intuitive Card Reading as well - I will select an oracle deck (based on Higher Guidance) and pull a card from that deck, transcribe an intuitive and/or channeled message for you, then send that message with a photo of the card via email.
* If aspects of my feedback resonate with you, wonderful. Please put aside whatever does not. Don’t try to make something fit! If a message is correct for you, it will find its way to you again. Please trust the process. It is strongly encouraged that you re-read my emailed feedback about a week following the session as details may suddenly make more sense or land in a different way at a later point in time.
* I welcome feedback about your experience following the healing; You may contact me via email once with any personal impressions, but the correspondence will stop at this point.
* For Animal Energy Healing: please send your intentions and concerns prior to the session, ideally 24 hours before, along with a photo of your animal companion, name and gender, using the contact form. Please inform your animal that the healing will take place, if you feel comfortable doing so. The animal does not need to be resting or in any particular place or position to receive the healing. Better that they are not eating during the session.
*For a Negative Energy Clearing: (for yourself) please send a full-length photo to me via my contact form here. Following the clearing, please smudge yourself and your space using sage, palo santo or simply using your intention. You may also place dead sea salt on your back and torso in the shower, let it sit there for a few minutes and then wash off. Open a window during the session and for about 15 mins following the session. You will also receive a clearing prayer from me and are encouraged to state it aloud for at least 7 days - and optimally, for 30 days- before going to sleep.
*For Negative Energy Space Clearing: please choose a window through which the cleared energy may move and share the location address with me, along with a photo of the space(s) in need of clearing via my contact form here. Please keep this window open for approximately 15 minutes post-session. Following the clearing, please smudge your space using sage, palo santo or simply using your intention. You may state the clearing prayer for the space as many times as you feel necessary, but once following the session is advised.
**Please never give your power to any healer- always stay in your power and agency, allowing for the energy to flow to you for your highest interest only. NO healer has any power over you; your Free Will is always at play. If you ever feel unsafe or have any concern about a healer's integrity, trust yourself, ask questions or do not work with that person.**