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My Journey

My Journey

Perhaps like many sensitive souls out there, I have been able to sense energy in various ways since I was a child. Walking into a room, I would often pick up on the "weight" in that space, noting tension, anxiety or unspoken conflict, and sensing if a person felt ill- at-ease or was in need of help. It seemed that I possessed a kind of 'Knowing' about things that fell outside the realm of rational possibility. It didn't yet occur to me that this was out of the ordinary in any way, so I assumed everyone experienced the world similarly... This awareness stretched beyond the four walls of any given room, leading me to wonder about the world at large, even about the meaning of life itself. My questions often took on an existential, even esoteric bent, and I'd find myself gravitating toward adults in search of answers. Navigating the world with these hypersensitive antennae was a challenge; I often, unwittingly absorbed energies from others and mistook them as my own. Without yet knowing about concepts like shielding or grounding, I managed this energetic burden in less than optimal ways, moving suffering deep into my body. I recall feeling dizzy or lightheaded quite frequently, and suffered with severely low blood pressure and periods of extreme exhaustion that were not well-explained or addressed by mainstream medicine. Physical discomfort was confounded by the confusion I faced trying to understand human behavior, beliefs and conventions; the linear path of school - work - marriage - kids etc., the conformity to ways of living without question, that trust was something you had to request, and how certain questions simply should never be asked... I found myself with an unquiet mind, with unrelenting questions and few satisfactory answers.  Often feeling immensely challenged by the days' noise and movement, the Night was a welcome reprieve. Peering out my bedroom blinds, looking up at the night sky, I wondered what lay just beyond that endless space speckled with millions of tiny lights. There was a calm in the quiet, dark of night that I relished. Later in life, I came to understand that my deep sensitivities required equally deep rest from the hyper-stimulating world. There was also a kind of Knowing that there was so much more to this existence than just the images that hit our eyes, or the rules and conventions that are imparted to us. Driven by the endless questions in my Socratic mind, I set out to discover that which lay just beyond the proverbial veil. It seemed as if a relentless, invisible force was moving me into this space, into the unknown... Along this Path, I discovered a wellspring of support - Beautiful, profound writers, philosophers, and minds validated my inquiring mind and served as guides in many respects; Emerson helped me to truly “know” myself, while Thoreau encouraged bravery and living life as fully as one can muster. Paulo Coelho supported me in finding and living my “Personal Legend,” my purpose, while Lao Tzu awakened me to the stunning intelligence of Nature. Eckhart Tolle showed me how to Be more fully in this moment, and taught me the Power that exists in the Stillness. Trying to feed the insatiable inside of me, I dove deep into Philosophy, Astrology, Taoism, Quantum Physics and went on to learn the Tarot, the healing magic of Crystals and beyond. I wanted to live and breathe this wisdom so that I might just touch that Magic I was certain, existed... and then begin sharing that magic with others. It was my belief that all aspects of the human experience must be considered to be of service to others in the most optimal way, so I knew I would set out to study the Mind, the Body and Energy Field to accomplish just that. Nutrition and physical health were among my very first interests, so I began learning about the healing power of many foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals, and then flower essences, cell-salts and homeopathy. Following the discovery of a significant health issue in my early 20s, I became even more determined to explore natural ways of addressing and healing physical illness. I studied Holistic Nutrition, becoming certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner, and subsequently, learned various nutritional traditions such as Ayurvedic and Mediterranean, as well as nutritional lifestyles such as veganism and raw-food. Having always been a staunch supporter of animal rights and working with advocacy groups, it was a pleasure to share positive dietary information that offered both education about animal welfare, as well as ways to optimize the overall health of my clients through whole, nutrient dense food. As originally planned, I then pursued a Doctorate in Psychology; The human mind had fascinated me from a young age and psychology was truly my first love. Soon after achieving my degree and license in Clinical Psychology, I opened my private practice (if you are interested in therapy and would like to book a phone consultation with me please go to my webpage on Psychology Today: Working with my patients has been- and continues to be- one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences. Each and every person that has sat on my couch- or virtual couch!- has challenged me to continuously self-reflect, refine and broaden by skills, and always proceed with the utmost integrity and compassion.  As time went by, I felt called to explore more holistic methods, and my profound desire for all things esoteric came barreling back into focus... I knew there was so much more to learn. And so much more I wished to impart. It was my hope that each person who crossed my Path may have an opportunity to be held to the Light so they could better witness their own Beauty, and experience their own Power in ways they never thought possible. Lofty dreams, perhaps. Yet it was as if I knew that the impossible was somehow always... possible. Finding myself on this familiar threshold, I set out to learn various healing modalities and practices, and finally began recognizing the Gifts that went unearthed inside of me for too long. I am now a Reiki Master in the Usui Tradition, Intuitive Energy Healer, Channeler and Guide, and have been certified in- or  extensively studied many modalities, some of which include Vortex Healing®, Akashic Record Reading, Arcturian Healing Method, Theta Healing®, Karmic Clearing, Space Clearing, Negative Entity/Energy Clearing and J-seals Removal, Animal Communication, and still others... I am adept in using crystals, astrology, tuning forks and other practices to support the healings when called to do so. Divination tools- such as Oracle Cards- have a significant place in my work, helping to bring forth messages that often complement the healings. Over the years I have become increasingly aware of subtle energies and of my subtle senses, and can often See, Hear, Know/Understand, Feel/Sense what is occurring in the body and energy field of a client. Information and messages therefore may come in the form of visions, words, music/tones, feelings in my body and a sudden, very clear understanding of something. Quantum physics, philosophy and esoteric study continue to be a mainstay in my life. The brilliant esoteric works of Steiner, Aun Weor, Blavatsky, Sagan and Hawkins, and so many others help to expand my understanding, perception and experience of life, the world and beyond. My primary takeaway at this point is this: Learning with the mind is a wonderful thing, but learning through the heart advances one to unforeseen heights, allowing one to transcend the bounds of the 3D world and connect with the Higher Worlds and to one's own True Spirit.  What I have come to realize is that our challenges often- if not always- offer insight into our unique gifts;  it is only when we encounter the Dark, that we can truly Know The Light. And by slowing down long enough to really See what appear as obstacles on our paths, we might tap into the greater Wisdom that resides within us all.  Trying to meet each of these with a sense of wonder and curiosity, you might witness some difficulties shapeshift into profound opportunities for expansion and change. But- and that is a big BUT- when the challenge feels more like you are drowning rather than trying to swim to shore, ask for help! If you are sick, please see a doctor. Depressed or anxious, work with a therapist. I highlight this as we are humans living in a very dense dimension that requires us to take care of our bodies, physical spaces and relationships, as much as our etheric bodies, Souls and Higher Paths. You ultimately hold the greatest power to affect change in your life. And my hope is to support you in reclaiming more of that power. ~ In sharing my story thus far, it is important to note that I have experienced immense challenge along my Path, supported by innumerable people, while also navigating it to a great degree on my own. It has taken me a very long time to recognize my need for - and my right to- ask for help, as well as to rest and set more time aside for myself. My story should not delineate the message that I have "arrived" at any one place, or reached some illusory pinnacle on my Path. My journey will continue to unfold as long as I am graced with a beating heart. There is no end to learning, discovering and healing when you desire to embody more and more of who you Truly are -Your Essence. At some point, I understood the importance of accepting myself in all of my imperfections, while also recognizing my unique Value. There is only one of me to do what only my Soul set out to do. *And there is Only One of YOU*  So, if you too are a Seeker, perhaps a Lost Soul trying to find your place in the world, or on the right Path for you but wanting to be more fully seen, heard, understood, please know We- your extended family and Tribe- are out there. We Know You and We say:  You Are Needed. Please remember: There truly is no "There."  There is only this Moment. All the Power that resides in you requires your awareness of this very moment. And, In the profound Stillness of this moment lies endless Possibility.

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today, I am wise, so I am changing Myself."

~ Rumi

My Approach
My Approach
Semicircle of Crystals

My Approach

The distant healing sessions that I offer often comprise several methods and practices, wherein I am ultimately guided to engage the energy in unique and unexpected ways. All sessions are approached with Unconditional Love and Openness, and each person and animal is considered with tremendous Care and Respect.

As a conduit for the Highest Light and Life Force Energy that is available to All, immense healing energy is transmitted to you so that you may embody more of the Beauty and Light that exist within You.

Each session may offer great opportunities to move into higher states of self-awareness and self-healing,

learn profound lessons, and expand your consciousness.

 My goal is to help all living beings on this planet realize their Personal Power and Greatest Potential, while building the strength and bravery to do so. My hope is that I may support you on your Personal Path, assist you in clearing that which isn't yours or no longer serves you, help to unearth and transmute all that which has gone buried, ignored, and neglected for too long, while positively transforming your energy field so that you may experience more levity, clarity, and ultimately, reclaim more of who You really are.

It is truly an honor and profound pleasure to be of service in these ways.


Please explore the Services section to get a better idea of what is offered and how these healing sessions may be of benefit to You.

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

Emily Dickinson

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