Dr. Abbie Kwitel
Dr. Abbie Kwitel is not a medical doctor and does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure anything with these services. Unless you are seeing Dr. Kwitel for psychotherapy, she is not your personal therapist, and is not responsible for your mental health and well-being. She will not be held liable for anything that occurs before, during or after these services. These services do not take the place of medical or mental health treatments. You are advised to see the appropriate professional practitioner for your medical/physical/emotional concerns. Please do not purchase a session if you are feeling suicidal- consult with a healthcare professional immediately or go to your nearest emergency room during a crisis. All feedback offered is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered advice or directive in any way. Use your own discernment, You must be 21 years of age to purchase these services. By purchasing a session from Dr. Kwitel you are agreeing to these terms.
Cancelation Policy
- Following the purchase of a session, any cancelation requested (without rescheduling) with at least 24 hours notice to Dr. Kwitel will be honored, and you will receive a refund minus a processing fee of $22.
- Reschedules must be made with at least 24 hours notice to Dr. Kwitel,
- If a cancelation or reschedule is requested without 24 hours notice, you will not receive a refund.
- If you purchase a session within 24 hours of your appointment, only reschedules will be permitted.
- Session Packs are non-refundable.